
TBID -"Tourism Business Improvement District"

In 2007, the Montana state legislature adapted a law that allows for communities to develop a "Tourism Business Improvement District" (TBID).

Sidney's TBID supports tourism, promotion and marketing for any activity happening within the Sidney district. Requests for funding can be made through the application form below. Applications must be submitted 60 day prior to the event.

The Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) strives to grow our tourism economy through increased visitor spending in Sidney, Montana lodging establishments. The mission of the TBID is to generate room nights for lodging facilities in the City of Sidney, Montana by effectively marketing and funding grants to promote our region as a preferred travel and events destination. TBID Funds are made available through the lodging facilities of Sidney. For every occupied room night, guests are assessed $1.50 that is returned to Sidney via the TBID Board to aid in tourism, promotion and marketing within the district.

The TBID Board of Directors meets the first Thursday of each month at the Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture.

Please contact the Sidney Chamber of Commerce with any questions at admin@sidneymt.com or by phone at (406) 433-1916.

Follow the link to the TBID Fund Application or fill out the application below to be considered for funding. Applications can be returned to the Sidney Chamber of Commerce at admin@sidneymt.com or by stopping in to the Chamber office at 909 South Central Ave. Sidney, MT 59270.

Tourism Business Improvement District Application for Funding Instructions:

We are pleased you have requested an application to apply for Tourism Business Improvement District (TBID) funding. The purpose of these funds is to grow our tourism economy through increased visitor spending in Sidney, Montana lodging establishments.

The purpose of these funds must be in keeping with the TBID’s Mission: The mission of the TBID is to generate room nights for lodging facilities in the City of Sidney, Montana by effectively marketing and funding grants to promote our region as a preferred travel destination. Eligible Expenditures: These funds are made available through the lodging facilities of Sidney. For every occupied room night, guests are assessed $1.50 that is returned to Sidney to aid in tourism, promotion and marketing within the district.

  • The funding of all uses and projects for tourism promotion within Sidney as specified in the Sidney Tourism Business Improvement District work plan.
  • The marketing of convention and trade shows that benefit local tourism and lodging businesses in Sidney;
  • The marketing of Sidney to the travel industry in order to benefit local tourism and the lodging businesses located within the Sidney Tourism Business Improvement District;
  • The marketing of Sidney to recruit major sporting events in order to promote local tourism and to benefit the lodging businesses within the Sidney Tourism Business Improvement District.

Deadline Applications must be received a minimum of 60 days prior to event:

Presentation meetings to request funds are held on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. at various locations. Please call for the location of the next meeting. Please remit or email to: Sidney Area Chamber of Commerce admin@sidneymt.com 909 South Central Ave. Sidney, MT 59270

Applicants that meet the eligibility requirements above may be awarded funding based upon:

  1. A proven or qualified ability to generate, track, and report hotel-motel room nights and economic impact to Sidney.
  2. Available TBID resources.

Approved projects must agree to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Sidney TBID as outlined below:
The words Sidney, Montana must be spelled out in its entirety on all marketing materials.
The TBID Banner must be displayed at your event.

A. Printed Material

  1. Include the following information on print projects:
  2. TBID logo
  3. Acknowledgement of grant on collateral: “Produced with support from Sidney TBID funds."

B. Print Advertising

  1. All print ads shall be coded to provide a means of evaluation through inquiry tracking.
  2. Copies of ads with original invoices must be provided.
  3. Target audiences must be a minimum of 120 miles away from Sidney, Montana.

C. On-line Advertising

  1. Clicks from all on-line ads shall be monitored with the ability to report the statistics.
  2. If purchasing on-line advertising, (i.e. on-line newspaper), target must be a minimum of 120 miles from Sidney.

D. Television and Radio Advertising

  1. When appropriate, the words Sidney, Montana shall be stated on all audio tracks produced which include speaking.
  2. An affidavit of media buy shall be on file at the organization upon completion of the project.
  3. A copy of the audio/video tape shall be on file at the organization.


Other rules, regulations, policies, and procedures pertaining to this grant are at the sole discretion of the Sidney TBID.

Grant/Award winner must provide a wrap-up report and samples of produced pieces to the TBID Board of Directors upon completion (within 45 days) of event/convention closure.

Grant/Award winner must provide at least one (1) digital high-resolution photograph of the event.


Grant applications will be reviewed by the TBID Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled board meeting and notification of request will be sent within five (5) business days.

Grants are awarded based on return of investment, event potential and historical data.

Please focus the bulk of your answer on the specific element for which you are requesting funding.
a) What is it you wish to do? b) How and why will the community and lodging industry benefit? c) What are the beginning and ending dates of your project? d) What are your room night goals and how will you measure? e) Is this a new project or a continuation? If a continuation, how many new room nights will additional funding generate? f) what other measurements will apply to evaluate the project's success? g) Provide a brief history of your organization. h) If there is a Marketing Plan and Budget available for this project, please include it with this application. If TBID funding is to be used for marketing, indicate what media and where marketing is planned.